Consumer Exploratory | Attitudes & Usage

Who are the next generation of voters?

The Challenge

A non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to helping people of color, young people, and unmarried women register and vote, came to us with a thoughtful question:

How can we approach these populations with more empathy and understanding and see them as more than just their voting history?

The Approach

We knew that in order to truly understand these communities, we needed a multi-phased approach that balanced both quantitative and qualitative research.

By diving into their psychological traits and identity drivers, as well as their attitudes towards civic engagement, we were able to connect with distinct segments and contextualize the depth and richness of their experiences.

The Now What?

Our Insights Playbook and toolkit is the game-changer our client needs to focus their efforts and make a real impact. By combining their normative, social influence-led approach with an empathy-driven approach, they can truly connect with these communities.